Mirror’s Edge Promotional Poster

The what:

Ever since the game Mirror’s Edge came out in 2008, I was a fan of the simple visual aesthetic using bold colors, along with the fast paced parkour focused gameplay. Furthermore, I have always loved the Swiss design style (otherwise known as the International Typographic Style) for many of the same artistic reasons. It makes sense that the game shares many of the same visual styles that were used in Swiss design, as the developer DICE is based in Sweden. It also made sense that I would make a promotional poster in homage to the game I loved so much when a new game in the franchise, Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst was announced.

The Why:

I used many of the principles I saw to be effective from famous poster designs I saw came out of the Swiss design movement to mimic the style, using simple text aligned to an angled grid and bright colors that would pop on print. Also, I used copies of the main image to imply movement that is so key to the gameplay.