Lyndon Leadership Conference Logo

The What:

The Lyndon Leadership Conference is a annual conference hosted at Lyndon State College aimed primarily at providing topical workshops and networking opportunities for student leaders across the region. Often pulling in student leaders from college campuses many hours away, the conference is a great opportunity to talk shop with other leaders in similar roles working at other institutions.

As a student leader, I attended the conference three years in a row and lead multiple workshops in two of those years. When approached by to create a logo for the program, I felt it was a perfect opportunity to give back to an event I loved so much.

Initially, there was very minimal direction given by the client, save for a request for a variety of options for a simple logo, possibly one that represented that year’s theme for the event: “Voices of Leadership: Defining Your Story”.

Semi-final logo design for a logo based on the conference’s theme.

However, as the project went forward, the focus shifted away from the theme in favor of celebrating the 10th anniversary of the conference.

The Why:

Final Logo Variants

The final logo combines modern themes with a timeless touch, all the while linking back to the institution it is representing. This is achieved by using a bold clean sans-serif typeface – NEXT ART – as it’s primary logotype, which is in keeping with much of contemporary design trends. It is then placed inside a large heavy box to only further express the boldness. To contrast the bold and modern logo type, the slab-serif version of Roboto was used to stress the age and prestige of the event while still having enough modern sensibilities to appear coherent next to the main logo type. A pine green color was chosen to give a nod to the college brand without directly linking it to it by using the exact same green.

The logo was produced in two versions – one horizontal and the other vertical – for the varied applications the logo would appear in.